Only 0.6 percent of the population has a true micropenis - but peruse online forums and you’ll find many men with average-size or larger penises lamenting concerns about their seemingly inadequate genitals.
Thought to be caused by inadequate testosterone in the later stages of fetal development, or maybe insensitivity to androgen, it’s a rare and often self-misdiagnosed condition. While a precise number is open to scientific debate, it’s commonly accepted that the average size of an adult male penis is five and a quarter inches, erect. Generally speaking, measure in under about three inches erect, and you have what’s called a micropenis - the least common of the conditions falling under the banner of an “inconspicuous penis,” which includes a webbed penis, where it is difficult to decipher exactly where the scrotum ends and the penis begins or a buried penis, where the shaft of the penis is hidden by skin and fat.